
MONO INC.. The Book Of Fire / Limited Fanbox (CD+DVD)

Исполнитель: MONO INC.
Альбом: The Book Of Fire / Limited Fanbox (CD+DVD)
Год: 24.01.2020
Страна исполнителя: Германия
Формат носителя: CD+DVD
Лэйбл: NoCut
Номер в каталоге: PM 54-05231
Страна производитель: Германия
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Ориентировочная цена: 7154.00 руб


The elaborately handcrafted mechanical music box in an elegant golden tone with the catchy melody from the title track of "The Book of Fire".
For the first time a scarf (120x14 cm) in black with fine fringes on the sides in top quality with the MONO INC. and the "The Book of Fire" lettering in the middle and the MONO INC. raven on the left and right, both sides in a fiery orange
The hardcover notebook in the design of "The Book of Fire" - with 80g-recycelten writing paper, in which you can write your own "The Book of Fire" on 80 pages
The "The Book of Fire" folding poster in size DIN A2 (42x59,4cm) with a photo of the complete band from the "The Book of Fire" era
The signed "The Book of Fire" greeting card, printed on 400g matt foil laminated chrome cardboard with another photo of the complete band from the "The Book of Fire" era.

