
Lord Of The Lost. Full Metal Whore

Исполнитель: Lord Of The Lost
Альбом: Full Metal Whore
Год: 31.07.15
Страна исполнителя: Германия
Формат носителя: CD
Лэйбл: Out Of Line
Номер в каталоге: PM 55-00498
Страна производитель: Германия
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“Make Love Make War … Full Metal Whore!“ With a title song like a battle cry, Hamburg-based Gothic-Metal band Lord Of The Lost are setting the mood for their newest EP right from the start: amps cranked to 11 and guitars on full blast, the lads unleash an attack on your ear drums with five new songs and an extra-dose of heaviness.

Where the previous symphonic excursion, “Swan Songs”, was an emotional thrill ride that aimed straight for the heart, “Full Metal Whore” is the exact opposite. Meaning: this time around, Lord Of The Lost are hitting us with maximum guitar power in five über-heavy new tracks that are destined to give your neck muscles a thorough workout. From the Industrial-Metal-infused title track, via the epically evil steamroller “Born In Slavery”, to the Modern-Metal-monsters “Love & Hate”, “Pretty Dead Dead Boy” and “We're All Created Evil”, the boys from St. Pauli have cranked up the brutality like they only did on some obscure b-sides in the past. While there are no dark ballads, this time around, “Full Metal Whore” still contains a fair share of anthemic moments and does not shy away from the band's trademark genre-hopping, either. And, while it is the hardest output the group has ever produced, it still sounds 100% like Lord Of The Lost. As a special bonus, the EP also contains a heavy German-language re-interpretation of the title track by Eden Weint Im Grab, a smashing Industrial-Metal-Remix from Dope Stars Inc. and two Electro-remixes that go to prove that Jumpstyle, Hellectro and Metal can go together quite well. “Full Metal Whore” is a headbanging roundhouse kick in the face... mayhem has never been so much fun!

Release Date: July 31, 2015
Format: CD
Cat.Nr.: OUT743
Barcode: 4260158837453


1. Full Metal Whore 
2. Love & Hate 
3. Born In Slavery 
4. Pretty Dead Dead Boy 
5. We’re All Created Evil 
6. Gespensterhure (Full Metal Whore - Eden Weint Im Grab Version)
7. Full Metal Whore (Dope Stars Inc. Remix)
8. Full Metal Whore (Noize Corp Remix)
9. Full Metal Whore (Darkflower Dancefloor Remix)