The curtain rises for "Die Perlen". They are finally back - and present their second CD-album "Szenenwechsel". Back in 2006, the first real "Die Perlen" album "Telektroponk" was released and this marked the beginning of a new music genre - completely independent from any current trend - and now the second CD, called "Szenenwechsel" is ready to be released. Die Perlen - the two musicians Katja Ha and Ferdinand Es from Nьrnberg still use suitable computer technics including some guitars. After loads of concerts around Europe, Die Perlen made it happen to be called the kings of Telektroponk! the second album - louder, faster and even better! In case you still haven't heard of Die Perlen yet, just imagine them being compared with exclusive bands like Welle Erdball (refered to the content of the songs) - Hello Atari! The songs are mostly interpreted in German, although both of the band members are able to express themselves in English and French as well - and please, do not hesitate to go into depth with all these quite clevver and smart lyrics - songs like "Geiz ist blцd" not only sound great - they also kick ass. Ok, now some more pecise words on what Die Perlen are: Just imagine "Die Дrzte", "Welle:Erdball", "Sigue Sigue Sputnik" all in one pot, melt it down with some "Electro", "Ponk" and some parts of "Tele" - ready to enjoy! Dinner is served - by the middle of April in 2008 - DIE PERLEN - "Szenenwechsel"