
Polygon. Sein Lernen

Исполнитель: Polygon
Альбом: Sein Lernen
Год: 11.06.15
Страна исполнителя: Германия
Формат носителя: CD
Лэйбл: Aliens Production
Номер в каталоге: PM 23-01663
Страна производитель: Германия
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Ориентировочная цена: 1922.00 руб


great news to present this project under the wings of aliens production and even more that this gifted musician has for long time held this pearl in his production under his lock and on the light of the world gets in these days. ingo lindmeier a member of the legendary mortal constraint and a producer of many great albums whether under the name polygon, polyspace, delta e and audiokular opens up its next stage in his production. the new album is a showcase of the best which this project has to offer. cinematic atmosphere which waves in electronic oasis. combination of hypnotic rhythms and irredeemable atmospheres. electronic poetry and minimalistic compositions. german male and female vocals and all in the creative suit and unrivaled production that stands out for its creativity and ingenious form. harmonic and in the same time clustered fragments of falling meteors in performance of musical engineer that calls himself polygon. cd - dvd pack, ltd 333 copies.


01 tag ohne gestern 
02 endstation 
03 autophobie 
04 gemeinsamer nenner 
05 kalter fleck 
06 der konstrukteur 
07 der lugner 
08 experimente 
09 sein lassen 
10 der traumer 
11 erinnerung an mich