
Prong. Ruining Lives

Исполнитель: Prong
Альбом: Ruining Lives
Год: 28.04.2014
Формат носителя: CD
Лэйбл: Steamhammer
Номер в каталоге: PM 28-04146
Страна производитель: Германия
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The history of PRONG has cast a long shadow - bands like Korn, Slipknot and Nine Inch Nails openly acknowledge their influence.

“Ruining Lives” is the follow-up to the acclaimed 2012 release “Carved Into Stone” and continues to show the band on an upward trajectory, proving that despite having a long, illustrious career PRONG can still make records that matter and re-invent themselves without negating their roots. With Tommy Victor in the producer’s chair and Steve Evetts once again coming in to put his trademark shine on the record, “Ruining Lives” has turned out to be a monster of an album. From the first riff-assault of the opener “Turnover”, the album takes you on an angst-filled roller coaster ride that marries some very old school, “Beg To Differ”-elements with post-punk, industrial metal, hardcore thrash, all the while retaining a modern and current feel. Fans of the bands legendary, genre-defining “Cleansing”-era and new fans alike will be thrilled.

Release date: 28.04.2014

Format: CD
Cat No.: 267382
Barcode: 0886922673825


01. Turnover
02. The Barriers
03. Windows Shut
04. Remove, Separate Self
05. Ruining Lives
06. Absence Of Light
07. The Book Of Change
08. Self Will Run Riot
09. Come To Realize
10. Chamber Of Thought
11. Limitations And Validations