
Chimaira. Crown Of Phantoms

Исполнитель: Chimaira
Альбом: Crown Of Phantoms
Год: 12.08.2013
Формат носителя: CD
Лэйбл: Long Branch Records
Номер в каталоге: PM 28-04009
Страна производитель: Германия
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For more than a decade, Chimaira has been imposing its gravity on the metal community by continually touring the globe and selling more than a million albums worldwide. Their brand of heavy music has evolved and transcended both itself and the trends while maintaining its persistent, bludgeoning force. In 2013, Chimaira continues to direct the masses & define a dark future with their new album, “Crown of Phantoms.”

Injecting new life into the beast that is Chimaira, founding member and band patriarch, Mark Hunter, has assembled a diverse, yet cohesive lineup that features equal doses of surgical technicality and blunt-object violence. Emil Werstler’s masterful dexterity on lead guitar fuses aptly with Matt Szlachta’s patented rhythmic groove to create a dual-bladed axe of destruction that gives each song a delicate balance of pummeling precision and esoteric class. Jeremy Creamer dominates the low end with bass lines that stray confidently from the standard, boorish playing approach that heavy music listeners are unfortunately accustomed to hearing. On the drums is Austin D´amond, whose approach to the kit is akin to a demented jarhead, armed to the teeth with automatic weaponry, hell-bent on mowing down a jungle. Sean Z takes over the electronics, ambient supplements & additional vocals that have always made Chimaira’s anger more twisted than most.

For other bands, such an overhaul in the lineup would project unease and a regression in sound, but for Chimaira the reinvention is simply a part of the band’s DNA. Hunter comments on the band’s forward progression: "When I started this band I had a desire to make extremely heavy, eclectic metal. Nothing has changed in that regard. I wanted to merge all the styles I loved into a hybrid of sounds. Having the chance to reinvent the group gave me the opportunity to work with unbelievable players and take the essence of Chimaira to uncharted territory. Assembling the right team was essential to creating what I feel is some of the craziest and most passionate music I´ve had the pleasure to be a part of. The past defines us while the present refines us."


01 The Machine
02 No Mercy
03 All That's Left Is Blood
04 I Despise
05 Plastic Wonderland
06 The Transmigration
07 Crown Of Phantoms
08 Spineless
09 Kings Of The Shadow World
10 Wrapped In Violence
11 Love Soaked Death
12 New Apocalypse (BONUS TRACK)