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Port-Royal. Dying In Time

Исполнитель: Port-Royal
Альбом: Dying In Time
Год: 2009
Формат носителя: CD
Лэйбл: N5md
Номер в каталоге: PM 23-00657
Срок получения заказа Вами после его поступления на наш склад от поставщика: до 2 дней (при наличие товара на нашем складе). Внимание - данный товар заказывается только по Вашему заказу, за рубежом (если он не помечен как Товары EXPRESS). Срок поступления на наш склад от 3 недель до 3 месяцев. - для Москвы.
Для других городов, срок доставки увеличивается на 10-15 дней (доставка "Почтой России").

Цена: 2126.00 руб


2 years have past in all our lives since the release of the port-royals afraid to dance (resonant) but the royals have been keeping very busy with writing, recording, touring the eu and russia, as well as creating remixes for the likes of ladytron and felix da housecat. for dying in time port-royal have expanded their sound to encompass the more electronically skewed perspectives of synth-pop and even techno while still holding steadfast to their roots and original core sound that has always laid somewhere between shoegaze and emotively soaring ambient. as the title may suggest there is an undercurrent of aching melancholy to the album, as if the band are expressing the feelings they have for the temporality of lifes situations and feelings.


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