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Sadman. The Big Cut

Исполнитель: Sadman
Альбом: The Big Cut
Год: 05.02.2016
Страна исполнителя: Швеция
Формат носителя: CD
Лэйбл: Memento Materia
Номер в каталоге: PM 54-03586
Страна производитель: Швеция
Срок получения заказа Вами после его поступления на наш склад от поставщика: до 2 дней (при наличие товара на нашем складе). Внимание - данный товар заказывается только по Вашему заказу, за рубежом (если он не помечен как Товары EXPRESS). Срок поступления на наш склад от 3 недель до 3 месяцев. - для Москвы.
Для других городов, срок доставки увеличивается на 10-15 дней (доставка "Почтой России").

Цена: 2040.00 руб


The first new album release in years from Memento Materia, the Swedish label that first established such classic acts as MESH, COVENANT, COLONY 5, RUN LEVEL ZERO, BACKLASH, MICHIGAN and many others!

After three digital download/streaming singles ("Animals", "You Got Me" and "Big Cut") during autumn 2015, Swedish synth pop act Sadman are here with their third album "The Big Cut". After lots of problems with a French label, the work and production of the third album has been with huge delays. Finally finished, expect nothing less than a real masterpiece!

Lasse Fernstrom and Mattias Raftegard deliver smart melodies and modern soundscapes in the slower passages of pieces as "Saved" and "Fragile", but also more uptempo songs with decadent baselines and catchy tunes. This is as electronic pop should sound as of today and has brought Sadman their trademark of quality in the Swedish electronic pop scene. They have a very fresh and up to date emotional sound with details in harmony and vocals backed up with dreamy choir and female vocals.





01 Distorted Fairies 
02 Big Cut 
03 Animals 
04 Saved 
05 Arrows 
06 Fragile 
07 You Got Me 
08 Snowman 
09 Dark Night 
10 King of A 
11 Great Lord 
12 Homerun 
13 Murderer 
14 Kamikaze


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