A long night, but finally you see the light - it's coming up, slowly, waiting behind the horizon. The blue hour… Out of the blue, a million lights explode, the world is moving in calm, lysergic ways. You are the creator, with your own way of shaping and forming your thoughts, your ideas and dreams. What you see is the reality you create. Coming a long way with us, Gido is now ready to present his debut full length album. With a strong statement on 'Morning Trance', he breaks the boundaries of the usual, plays by his own rules and adds new flavours. 'Orange Sunshine' - is dedicated to the psychedelic tribe - to the love of dance and music. To sunshine in our heart and mind. To joy and active meditation. To magic in-between the spaces and lucid dreaming. This is our 16th CD release at Blue Hour Sounds. Thank you for buying our products and supporting the label and the artists we release!