Музыканты групп Dance Or Die, Agonoize и Funker Vogt представляют свой проект под названием Winterhart!
Dark wave, барокко, средневековая тематика!
Похожие группы: Dance Or Die, Project Pitchfork, Das Ih!
The European Masterplan describes artistically a historical worldplan to overcome the national, religious and cultural identities, to create a faceless consumer who only believes in a political lobby. Wether Free Masons or Bilderberger… they are the figures of policy, medias and industry. The historical context and the present situation are the result standing in the center of atraction. Themes like escapism and romantic are the main subjects of the positive pathos called classic.Musically Winterhart is on a timetravel through the Wave Gothic scene… they have found their style! Formed by the founding members of Dance or Die, Chris L. of Agonoize and Funker Vogt joined the band to fulfill his true passion for musical diversity.