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vProjekt. Wounds In The Age Of Healing / Limited 1st Edition

Исполнитель: vProjekt
Альбом: Wounds In The Age Of Healing / Limited 1st Edition
Год: 16.10.2015
Страна исполнителя: Австралия
Формат носителя: CD
Лэйбл: Deathwatch Asia
Номер в каталоге: PM 54-03445
Страна производитель: Япония
Срок получения заказа Вами после его поступления на наш склад от поставщика: до 2 дней (при наличие товара на нашем складе). Внимание - данный товар заказывается только по Вашему заказу, за рубежом (если он не помечен как Товары EXPRESS). Срок поступления на наш склад от 3 недель до 3 месяцев. - для Москвы.
Для других городов, срок доставки увеличивается на 10-15 дней (доставка "Почтой России").

Цена: 2040.00 руб


Limited first edition [250 worldwide] in 4-panel digipak, incl. 4 exclusive remixes by HAUJOBB, ISZOLOSCOPE, ESA and WYCHDOKTOR Old-school industrial meets ambient soundscapes as maverick Australian act returns with startling second album! Eugene Nesci arrived unheralded in 2011 with the critically-acclaimed “Exhilarate & Disgust” – a mammoth 15-track epic debut that blended elements of early EBM, ambient and martial-industrial.

Given the recent popularity of “retro” sounding acts like YOUTH CODE and 3TEETH, the timing is perfect for vPROJEKT to return with a new record that seems likely to appeal both to a very current audience and also those of a previous generation pining for “old school sounds”. After almost 3 years quite literally “in the wilderness”, Nesci has returned without warning as abruptly as he originally arrived, armed again with another incredible sonic collage which – while clearly referencing a variety of “old school” industrial influences – sounds uniquely unlike anything else. With a greater emphasis on organic instrumentation and a complex multi-layered and experimental vocal sound pushed to the fore, “Wounds…” sounds both familiar and developed to fans of the debut - retaining the epic complexities that defined that record while for songs like “Killer Instinct”, “Don’t blink” or the single “Strict Command” adopting a more linear and direct approach.



01 Fulcrum 
02 Don't blink 
03 Snakeskin Heartbeat 
04 The Moon reflecting Nothing 
05 Zeroth (Part I) 
06 Killer Instinct 
07 Narrow Galaxy 
08 The Wound Fractal 
09 Strict Command 
10 Zeroth (Part II) 
11 In Sin Vex 
12 Bonus: Don't blink (Wychdoktor rmx) 
13 Bonus: Killer Instinct (Iszoloscope rmx) 
14 Bonus: Strict Command (Haujobb rmx) 
15 Bonus: The Moon reflecting Nothing (ESA rmx)


Exhilarate & Disgust
October 14th, 2011 2CD PM 40-00411 Положить в корзину
2040.00 руб