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The Eternal Afflict. …And Inbetween Love

Исполнитель: The Eternal Afflict
Альбом: …And Inbetween Love
Год: 30.10.2014
Страна исполнителя: Германия
Формат носителя: Prussia
Лэйбл: CD
Номер в каталоге: PM 22-21936
Страна производитель: Германия
Срок получения заказа Вами после его поступления на наш склад от поставщика: до 2 дней (при наличие товара на нашем складе). Внимание - данный товар заказывается только по Вашему заказу, за рубежом (если он не помечен как Товары EXPRESS). Срок поступления на наш склад от 3 недель до 3 месяцев. - для Москвы.
Для других городов, срок доставки увеличивается на 10-15 дней (доставка "Почтой России").

Цена: 1564.00 руб


After the publication of the EP Perish! in March which was followed by the album Birth*Life*Death in May, now here we have the 3rd and last part of the 2014 trilogy by the cult band from the Ruhr area THE ETERNAL AFFLICT.
Love is by far the absolute No-Go-Word in all lyrics that TEA have published to date. Singer and songwriter Cyan breaks his own taboo and entitles an EP with …And Inbetween Love?. But everything that‘s terrific should also have its appropriate headline.
This last part of the trilogy describes Cyan‘s path among hate, refusal, damnation and love. A farewell letter couldn‘t be more obliging than this.
Again TEA takes the listener along on the escalator of life, to dynamic highs and abysmal despair within seconds. A confusion of feelings dissolved by two voices that couldn‘t be more contrarious: Cyan and Linda FM Rae, the singer who has already enhanced the music by TEA with her expressional voice in the past many a time. Keyboarder Per Anders Kurenbach and composer/producer Winus Rilinger lay a carpet of sound collages around Cyan‘s lyrics which
highlights their intensity. Music and words draw attention to each other in a complementary way which is underlined by the pointedly installed female voices of Linda FM Rae and Trisha.
There isn‘t just black and white, pink and blue, but a variety of colors and one of those colors is love. This one can simply happen to you in between.  …And Inbetween Love?




1 Kingdoms Fall (Where Pleasure Ends) --
2 L‘Effet Inverse --
3 And Inbetween Love --
4 Freezin‘ Within --
5 (Devil‘s Hiding) Underneath The Snow --
6 And Inbetween Love (Club) --
7 The End --

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