01: Pretty pointless introduction, just evidence (i think) talking with Dr Greenthumb 2/5
02: The lead single, video is all over MTV. The song is catchy, dance-like tune. The Alchemist comes on and goes Yeah Yeah u guys are wicked which some people find annoying, Great track doh 5/5
03: This is okay, doesnt seem great 1st time but is a grower 4.5/5
04: Rakaa goes a bit polictical, evidence is okay 3/5
05: Techno, deep track, gangsta track 4/5
06: Catchy r n b like song, possible single 4.5/5
07: Evidence solo, okay but he could of done better 3/5
08: My favourite song, a lot of people dont like it but the whole track jus sounds wicked, features albino rapper Krondon 5/5
09: lighter version of 05 and more catchy 4.5/5
10: features a bangin piano and um space sounds. raps are good 4/5
11: Different track with a lot of reggae, possible single 4.5/5
12: DJ Babu solo with some evidence and rakaa, finest turntablism 4/5
13: title track. this is jazzy and a great conclusion song 4.5/5